Histoire de la constitution du cameroun pdf

Telecharger pdf, 156 kb constitution cameroun revisee le 18 janvier 1996. Vos commentaires etou suggestions seront evidemment apprecies. Elle est une et indivisible, laique, democratique et sociale. Republique du cameroun loi n 841 du 4 fevrier 1984. Part one the state and sovereignty article one 1 the united republic of cameroon shall, with effect from the date of entry into force of this law, be known as republic of cameroon law no 841 of 4 february 1984. L histoire coloniale du cameroun connait 4 grandes sequences.

Il assure, par son arbitrage, le fonctionnement regulier des pouvoirs. Histoire parlementaire lassemblee nationale du cameroun. The document consists of a preamble and parts, each divided into articles. Cameroons constitution of 1972 with amendments through 2008. Agreement between the united kingdom and germany respecting the settlement of the frontier between nigeria and the cameroons, from yola to the sea, and the regulation of navigation on the cross river english version. The constitution outlines the rights guaranteed to cameroonian citizens, the symbols and official institutions of the country, the. The constitution of cameroon is the supreme law of the republic of cameroon. Le cameroun sous tutelle francaise devient independant en 1960 et est aussitot dote.